Dynamic and regular changes in tax and economic law regulations force entrepreneurs to constantly adapt their activities to the current tax policy. Following the changes in regulations is not only burdensome but also extremely absorbing, it consumes time that could be spent on the company’s development. To avoid the above-mentioned problems, we suggest using the services of people with thorough theoretical and practical preparation, which will allow introducing appropriate solutions to a given situation, and often preventing a financial loss, which is a consequence of spending too much time on tax procedures instead of growing the business. PD Tax specializes in both current tax and legal consulting.
It represents entrepreneurs in tax audits, customs and tax inspections, as well as tax proceedings, also at the administrative court stage. We follow changes in regulations, case law and interpretations of tax authorities on a regular basis. Our clients are provided with current and continuous information about emerging tax problems. We examine both the legal and economic advantages and disadvantages of choosing a particular form of taxation of given economic events.